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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) quality measures inspire both hope and dread in the providers who must adhere to them. After all, how well they adhere impacts their funding.
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Medicaid has both cost and outcome problems. It is now the largest insurer in the nation, with a price tag of $604 billion in 2019. Unfortunately, higher spending isn’t creating better outcomes. The U
Hospital readmissions drive costs and negatively impact health outcomes. However, many are preventable with the right plans, initiatives and strategies. Although you are keenly aware of hospital readm
Health disparities are prevalent in the U.S. healthcare system. Although their presence was previously known, the pandemic more widely exposed these disparities. This new exposure renewed the focus on
Avoiding and reducing readmissions keeps your members and the system itself healthier. Reaching this goal can be challenging because so many factors impact it. However, a concerted effort between prov
Medicare and Medicaid plans emphasize patient engagement. When members are engaged, it has benefits for them and you. It improves the value of care by improving outcomes and lowering costs. Fostering
For decades, health care leaders have worked tirelessly to improve and evolve patient care – experimenting with solutions to adequately engage and account for the diverse needs of underserved populati
You know better member engagement means better outcomes for your members and for you. Highly engaged members are happier, healthier, and more satisfied with their health plans – making them more likel
When looking at the contributing factors upon the health of US citizens, research quickly shows that medical care itself accounts only for 10-20%. The remaining 80-90% of contributors influencing heal
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