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Crafting Loneliness Solutions for Seniors by Combining Connection, Technology and SDOH Data

Most seniors want to age gracefully at home, but loneliness can intensify conditions ranging from depression and memory loss to diabetes and heart disease. As part of a New Jersey state initiative, Middlesex County needed a solution to help its 65+ population age in place.

Middlesex County Case Study Cover-1
The ask: A tech-enabled solution with human support to determine loneliness risk and provide companionship and resources for aging in place. Sound familiar? Middlesex County selected Pyx Health for its companion support and evidence-based mobile app. 

See how Pyx Health supported nearly 100 Middlesex County seniors facing loneliness and other social determinants of health (SDOH) needs by:

  • Screening for loneliness and collecting SDOH data.
  • Educating and creating personal connections.
  • Providing referrals to community resources.
  • Customizing the Pyx Health app for residents.
Download the full case study to inspire your own loneliness solution.

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